点评:.After receiving an early morning briefing on what we might expect from the day we walked to the jetty and climbed aboard the 11m sailing dhow. The water was very calm and so we headed out under the power of the motor to see what we could find. As it turned out, no whales! But, and it’s a very significant but, we did find ourselves amongst one of the largest pods of dolphins I’ve ever seen. After following them very carefully for a while we continued searching for whale. We then came to the beautiful uninhabited Ilha de Goa, where we disembarked from the boat and waded ashore to the most beautiful beach you can imagine, where a lunch of barbecued fish, rice, salad, beans and Siri-Siri (I spell it like I heard it, it’s a very local delicacy of sea vegetables) was served. We then walked to the abandoned lighthouse which we climbed to the top of and, to our delight and surprise, we saw in the very distance a majestic humpback breaching. That was our queue, we walked back to the beach and got back aboard the dhow in the hopes of finding the whale. Alas, our search was once again unsuccessful. But, our disappointment was assuaged by the amazing experience of sailing back to Ilha de Mozambique by sail.
This was a whale watching tour and I didn’t have the experience I hoped for, but this is the nature of things. Whale are wild things and part of the delight in a day like this is the hope and anticipation and, as with us, if you don’t see a whale close up, that’s ok. I took joy in the experience, of having an amazing full day sailing the Indian Ocean n a traditional dhow, having adventures and amazing food on a desert island and enjoying the company of guests and crew.
I would repeat this day in a heart beat, and who knows what I will see when I sail again with Ilha Blue.
翻译:一大早,我们听取了当天的安排简报,然后步行到码头,登上 11 米长的帆船。水面非常平静,所以我们在马达的驱动下出发,看看能找到什么。结果发现,没有鲸鱼!但是,这是一个非常重要的但是,我们确实发现自己身处我见过的最大的一群海豚之中。小心翼翼地跟着它们走了一会儿后,我们继续寻找鲸鱼。然后我们来到了美丽的无人居住的果阿岛,在那里我们下船,涉水上岸,来到了你能想象到的最美丽的海滩,那里供应了午餐,包括烤鱼、米饭、沙拉、豆子和 Siri-Siri(我拼得像我听到的那样,这是一种非常美味的当地海菜)。然后我们走到废弃的灯塔,爬到灯塔的顶部,令我们惊喜的是,我们看到远处有一头雄伟的座头鲸跃出水面。这就是我们的队列,我们走回海滩,回到单桅帆船上,希望能找到鲸鱼。可惜,我们的搜寻再次失败了。但是,乘船返回莫桑比克岛的奇妙经历缓解了我们的失望。
我会毫不犹豫地重复这一天,谁知道当我再次与 Ilha Blue 一起航行时我会看到什么。