点评:Subang Parade first opened in 1988, and it was THE place to be.
Longest shopping centre in Southeast Asia, complete with well known tenants like Parkson, Toys“R”Us, MPH bookstore, Yamaha music school, and Oversea restaurant. My family used to travel all the way from KL to enjoy fast food at Grandy's during the glorious 90's. This mall has a simple layout, and they have elevated ramps for us to move from one floor to another.
Competition from newer malls like Empire Shopping Gallery, Aeon Big, and Sunway Pyramid has badly affected Subang Parade. The MCO was another major blow. Many shops has closed down and escalators going down to LG Floor were not functioning.
Despite all these changes, I will continue to come for nostalgia's sake. With the right investors and management team, I believe Subang Parade can rise again.
翻译:Subang Parade 于 1988 年首次开业,它是必去之地。
东南亚最长的购物中心,拥有百盛、玩具反斗城、MPH 书店、雅马哈音乐学校和 Oversea 餐厅等知名租户。在辉煌的 90 年代,我的家人曾经从吉隆坡一路旅行到 Grandy's 享用快餐。这个商场布局简单,他们有高架坡道供我们从一层移动到另一层。
来自 Empire Shopping Gallery、Aeon Big 和 Sunway Pyramid 等新兴购物中心的竞争严重影响了 Subang Parade。 MCO 是另一个重大打击。许多商店已经关门,通往 LG 楼层的自动扶梯也无法使用。