点评:Let's start with I am biased. I grew up a Michigan fan and attend no less than 4 games every season.
This is the largest stadium in the USA and you can see/feel the difference once the game starts. The atmosphere is great and most years the team plays well at home.
Public parking is very close, across the street, and there are many options and price levels depending on how far you want to walk for chepaer parking. I prefer Pioneer HS for around $70 for the short walk and tailgating. After the game all lanes go south towards the interstate so I've never had an issue leaving.
I think the treatment of opposing fans has imporved greatly over the years. Now I wouldn't wear your OSU or MSU gear and sit in the student section, but I haven't seen or heard anyone getting more than a friendly jeer in years.
Why the 4 stars? Food quality isn't great and lines are obnoxious just before and during the game. Seats are smaller than they should be... if you have a couple of big people in your row it is very tight to say the least. Restroom lines can be long, look for the ones underground as they always seem to move faster. The place needs wifi! Cell service is next to impossible during the game and well before any major game in the parking areas. Many major stadiums added wifi years ago, get with the times M.
I would recommend a game for the experience even if you aren't a Michigan fan. I started taking my daughters when they turned 5 and believe the atmosphere has always been appropriate.
翻译:首先,我有偏见。我从小就是密歇根队的球迷,每个赛季都会去观看不少于 4 场比赛。
公共停车场很近,就在街对面,有很多选择和价格水平,具体取决于你想走多远才能找到更便宜的停车场。我更喜欢 Pioneer HS,大约 70 美元,可以短途步行和尾随。比赛结束后,所有车道都向南通往州际公路,所以我从来没有遇到过离开的问题。
我认为多年来对对方球迷的待遇有了很大的改善。现在我不会穿你的 OSU 或 MSU 装备坐在学生区,但多年来我从未看到或听到任何人受到过友好的嘲笑。
为什么给 4 星?食物质量不好,比赛前和比赛期间排队的人很讨厌。座位比实际的要小……如果你的座位上有几个大个子,那至少可以说非常拥挤。洗手间的队伍可能很长,找地下的洗手间,因为它们似乎总是移动得更快。这个地方需要 wifi!比赛期间以及任何大型比赛之前,停车场的手机信号几乎不可能。许多大型体育场几年前就增加了 wifi,与时俱进吧 M。
即使你不是密歇根球迷,我也会推荐一场比赛来体验。我女儿 5 岁时,我开始带她们去,我相信这里的氛围一直很合适。