点评:It’s November so it’s very very warm - some would say too hot to walk around and it probably is, but we’re only here once.
We smashed the purple and green walks much quicker than the interp suggested and look lots of photos. Even with nearby bush fire-haze, the views were great.
We had left it too late in the day to do the black 2.5 hour walk so just ‘nipped’ up the bank to see the hand paintings. Impressive works of art but difficult to go back down the route. But not impossible. That’s why they say the route is one way!
My only grumble would be the £17 a day car parking charge which is managed through an ‘honesty box’ (that takes card!).
It’s a-bit steep in my opinion given what other NPs charge and finally, put a barrier on to make everyone pay - surely that’s fair?
翻译:现在是十一月,所以天气非常非常温暖 - 有人会说太热了,无法四处走动,可能确实如此,但我们只来这里一次。
我们当天去得太晚了,无法进行 2.5 小时的黑色步行,所以就“溜”上岸去看看手绘画。令人印象深刻的艺术作品,但很难回头。但并非不可能。这就是为什么他们说路线是单向的!
我唯一抱怨的是每天 17 英镑的停车费,这是通过“诚信箱”(需要刷卡!)管理的。
考虑到其他 NP 的收费,我认为这有点陡峭,最后,设置一个障碍让每个人都付费——这当然公平吗?