点评:It’s the running joke between friends that I’m here all of the time - it’s becoming our second home!
With a 4 year old and 10 year old, life is often difficult to balance, and 1-11 make it possible.
My youngest is very limited speech - and so bringing back his social skills with other children is key.
He has a LOT of energy, and so loves it here.
Hot chocolate is fab, and the staff are just amazing.
I’m on first name terms with most, and they know me and our sons’ names too - welcoming, patient, understanding and always a listening ear as I walk in the door. Alex is comfortable here and gives the staff high fives. Which is a positive step for a little chap who could possibly be seen as having autistic behaviours.
The littlest things make the biggest difference, and here; that happens.
It’s intense having a young child with speech delay, and lots of energy, so it’s a winning package to have somewhere that provides a smile, a nice mocha, and a safe place for Alex to be his unique self (plus there is free WiFi for if our 10 year old ventures here with us!).
A biggest thank you to Dean, Dena, Lucy, Harvey and Andrea and all of the staff for making us, especially little A, feel so safe and welcome, as him feeling comfortable in a space is often half the battle.
有一个 4 岁和 10 岁的孩子,生活往往很难平衡,而 1-11 使之成为可能。
有一个语言迟缓的小孩,而且精力充沛,这是一个很好的选择,所以有一个地方可以提供微笑,一个美味的摩卡咖啡,一个安全的地方让亚历克斯成为他独特的自我(另外还有免费的 WiFi如果我们 10 岁的孩子和我们一起冒险!)。
非常感谢 Dean、Dena、Lucy、Harvey 和 Andrea 以及所有工作人员让我们,尤其是小 A 感到如此安全和受欢迎,因为他在空间中感到舒适通常是成功的一半。