Fantastic museum with the most exquisite ceramics from Phoenician and Egyptian eras
Cueva de Siete Palacios - Archaeological Museum的点评
点评:Fantastic museum with the most exquisite ceramics from Phoenician and Egyptian eras circa 2500 to 3000 years ago. This tiny gem of a museum is beautifully curated and worth seeking out. Quickest way is up from the municipal square. This should be rated as one of the top places to visit in Almunecar. The alabaster vases are mind-blowingly gorgeous and to think the the Egytians were able to master such complex ceramic processes and produce these 3000 years ago is beyond belief! Every time I visit almunecar I just have to go back. This small museum helps crystallise your understanding of spanish history in this area and the contributions that Phoenician culture made to the development of the powerful Roman Empire.
翻译:奇妙的博物馆,拥有大约 2500 至 3000 年前腓尼基和埃及时代最精美的陶瓷。这座博物馆的瑰宝布置精美,值得一看。最快的方法是从市政广场上去。这里应该被评为阿妙尼卡最值得参观的地方之一。雪花石膏花瓶华丽得令人惊叹,想想埃及人在 3000 年前就能够掌握如此复杂的陶瓷工艺并生产这些花瓶,简直令人难以置信!每次我访问 almunecar 我都必须回去。这座小型博物馆有助于您具体了解西班牙在该地区的历史以及腓尼基文化对强大的罗马帝国的发展做出的贡献。