点评:Unsafe, unfair, unmonitored. I am in pain after being rammed by a roadraged racer. Complained to the staff, and the girl woking the pits even said the person was a jerk. Manager played the 'he said -she said' game, stating he didn't see it, and there was nothing he was going to do.
Why aren't there cameras covering every inch of the track! I am heading to the doctor tomorrow.
Strongly recommend taking your family elsewhere. Beware of NASCAR Flunky -FatazzJoe, Who brings his own white helmet, submarines your lines in the corners, and rams into you because he can't use his brakes. You see the jerks on the highway exiting from the fast lane cutting people off… He races at victory. how are some of the karts faster?! Pedal on the floor, and somehow, someone will pass you. My second race, the tires had flat spots and was an unbelievably rough ride… The plastic seats are extremely uncomfortable, these karts are not made for someone over 6 foot tall. Booo!
强烈建议带你的家人去别的地方。小心 NASCAR 的笨蛋 -FatazzJoe,他戴着自己的白色头盔,在拐角处潜行,撞到你,因为他不会刹车。你看到高速公路上从快车道驶出的混蛋把人拦住了……他以胜利为目标比赛。为什么有些卡丁车更快?!踩到底,不知何故,有人会超过你。这是我的第二场比赛,轮胎有瘪痕,骑起来非常颠簸……塑料座椅非常不舒服,这些卡丁车不适合身高超过 6 英尺的人。嘘!