点评:The church was built as part of the Benedictine Priory of St Mary. The townspeople came to an arrangement with the priory for the complete rebuilding in the 15th century, and the church was rebuilt in sections with the nave being done first between 1432 and 1444, the chancel between 1445 and 1448, the tower between 1449–59 and the screen from 1459 to 1460. The mason Roger Crowden is noted as having designed the tower, and given the similarity in style for the rest of the church, he may be responsible for the whole works. The pillars are similar in design to St Mary's Church, Brixham and both churches may have shared an architect.
The church is noted for the monument to Walter Smith who died in 1555. It is erected in the south chancel aisle and comprises a tomb-chest in an ogee recess with quatrefoil decoration.
The candelabra in brass was installed in 1701.
In 1824 the outer north aisle was added. This north aisle was modified in 1869 by Sir Gilbert Scott who added additional seating which allowed for the removal of the western galleries and the galleries in the rood loft
翻译:这座教堂是圣玛丽本笃会修道院的一部分。镇民与修道院达成协议,在 15 世纪完成全面重建,教堂分部分重建,中殿于 1432 年至 1444 年间首先完成,圣坛于 1445 年至 1448 年间完成,塔楼于 1449-59 年间完成,屏风于 1459 年至 1460 年间完成。石匠罗杰·克劳登 (Roger Crowden) 因设计塔楼而闻名,鉴于教堂其余部分的风格相似,他可能负责整个工程。柱子的设计与布里克瑟姆的圣玛丽教堂相似,两座教堂可能共用一位建筑师。
这座教堂以纪念 1555 年去世的沃尔特·史密斯 (Walter Smith) 的纪念碑而闻名。它竖立在南侧圣坛过道上,由一个墓箱组成,墓箱位于带有四叶形装饰的凹口中。
黄铜烛台于 1701 年安装。
1824 年,增加了外北侧通道。1869 年,吉尔伯特·斯科特爵士对北侧通道进行了改造,增加了座位,从而可以拆除西侧走廊和圣坛阁楼的走廊