点评:We (2 grandmas) planned to bring our 2 grandsons to the park to explore the nature’s wonders. I never thought that this would become a horrible experience. The pool was the first thing kids would see when getting off the car. We bought tickets again.
A proper size swimming diaper was useful for the 2 years old as we did with our other grandson in his infant and toddler years in the 5 swimming pools we frequently visited in city of Brampton. When I was teaching the 2 years old, the staff Natalie told me that he was not dressed according to rule and swimming pants needed to be put over his diaper. We stopped immediately and went close to edge of the pool and looked around for my in-law, who was carrying the clothing bag for the baby. I knew that the baby would be upset and my in- law who checked on us every few minutes, would be panic if she can’t find us in the old spot, but I ended up leaving the pool within a couple of minutes since Natalie yelled at me in front my grandkids like I committed a crime. Luckily, my in-law saw this and put a very properly fitted pants on the baby. Another picky lifeguard come over and said that it was not for swimming.
I looked the pool below. A lot of people were covered less than our baby’s swimming diapers and several people are wearing t -shirts and polo shirts. I realized that we have been targeted, so I argued to get the staff to accept. Unfortunately, the baby was scared to get back in the pool, so we have to leave. I lost interest in seeing anything in this park. Basically, we paid expensive entrance fee for the park and for the swimming pool, just to get insulted in a beautiful day.
Natalie: I just want you to know that please don’t serve people, especially little kid if you don’t have a kind heart.
合适尺寸的游泳尿布对 2 岁的孩子很有用,就像我们另一个孙子在婴儿和幼儿时期在布兰普顿市我们经常去的 5 个游泳池一样。当我教 2 岁的孩子时,工作人员 Natalie 告诉我,他没有按照规定着装,需要在他的尿布上穿上游泳裤。我们立即停下来,走到游泳池边上,四处寻找我的姻亲,她正拿着婴儿的衣服袋。我知道宝宝会不高兴,每隔几分钟检查一次我们的姻亲如果找不到我们在老地方,她会感到恐慌,但我最终在几分钟内离开了游泳池,因为 Natalie 当着我的孙子的面对我大喊大叫,好像我犯了罪一样。幸运的是,我岳父岳母看到了,给宝宝穿上了一条非常合身的裤子。另一个挑剔的救生员过来告诉我,这里不是游泳的地方。
我看了看下面的游泳池。很多人穿的比我们宝宝的游泳尿布还少,还有几个人穿着 T 恤和 Polo 衫。我意识到我们被针对了,所以我和工作人员争辩,让工作人员接受。不幸的是,宝宝害怕回到游泳池,所以我们不得不离开。我对这个公园里的任何东西都失去了兴趣。基本上,我们为公园和游泳池支付了昂贵的入场费,只是为了在一个美好的一天受到侮辱。