点评:If you are looking for a somewhat quiet place Rondeau might not be it. Of a 7 day stay, the first 2 were marred by a group of 10 males (late teens to early 20s) who were loud and could not speak a complete sentence without peppering with the F word. The next two involved people from 3 sites congregating on one site (may 15-20 people) for an all day gathering that was loud and ran late into the night. Last, a similar group and size gathered for an all day event and played music, loudly, until a warden told them to be quieter. Ten minutes after the warden left the loud talk and music resumed. At close to 11pm all became quiet. In all cases, as soon as the groups saw a patrol vehicle coming…all went quiet and resumed after it passed. Unless you are willing to call the warden often, maybe pick another park.
翻译:如果您想找一个稍微安静一点的地方,朗多可能不适合您。在 7 天的住宿中,前两天被一群 10 个男性(十几岁到二十出头)破坏了,他们很吵,说完整个句子时还不时说脏话。接下来的两天是来自 3 个地点的人聚集在一个地点(可能有 15-20 人)进行了一整天的聚会,聚会很吵闹,一直持续到深夜。最后,一个类似的团体和规模聚集了一整天,大声播放音乐,直到管理员告诉他们安静一点。管理员离开 10 分钟后,大声的谈话和音乐又恢复了。将近晚上 11 点,一切都安静了下来。在所有情况下,只要这些团体看到巡逻车来了……一切都安静了下来,车开过后又恢复。除非您愿意经常打电话给管理员,否则也许可以选择另一个公园。