点评:Baijnath (Vaidyanath)Temple Complex is a cluster of 18 Hindu temples consisting of main shrine of Lord shiva and 17 subsidiary shrines called as Kedareshwar Lakshmi-Narayan and Brahmini Devi etc. Built in Nagara style (curvilinear spire). The main temple is Panchratha on plan with a projected portico while the Shikhar (spire) of the temple has collapsed in the past. The main attraction of the group is standing statue of Maa Parvati made of grey schist, tresses of 26 miniature images around it. On the basis of architectural features these temples can be assigned to 9th to 12th century A.D. and probably built by the Katyuri Rulers of ancient Kartikeypura.
The temples complex is located on the left bank of Gomati river in Baijnath town of Bageshwar district at a distance of 22 km from Bageshwar and 16 km from Kausani at an elevation of 1,125 m above the sea level. One has to park the car near the Baijnath barrage if you are coming from Bageshwar. The temple complex is approached from the main road after walking around 100m along the river.
These temples are possibly one of the very few temples in the world where Parvati is depicted with her husband Shiva. Devotees offer holy water of river Gomti on the Lord Shiva Linga inside the temple. One can get down few steps for river Gomti. One can see the tens of old Idols just lying along the walls of the small temples. Just take caution from honey bees flying there on Prasadam while going inside the main temple. We clicked lots of pictures of our ancient temples which will remind us of our traditions and heritage.
翻译:Baijnath (Vaidyanath) 寺庙群由 18 座印度教寺庙组成,包括湿婆神的主神殿和 17 个附属神殿,称为 Kedareshwar Lakshmi-Narayan 和 Brahmini Devi 等。以 Nagara 风格(曲线尖顶)建造。主寺庙是 Panchratha,规划中带有突出的门廊,而寺庙的 Shikhar(尖塔)过去已经倒塌。该团体的主要景点是由灰色片岩制成的帕瓦蒂玛玛 (Maa Parvati) 立像,周围有 26 个微型图像。根据建筑特征,这些寺庙可以追溯到公元 9 世纪至 12 世纪,可能是由古代卡蒂凯普拉的卡秋里统治者建造的。
该寺庙群位于巴格什瓦尔区拜杰纳特镇戈马蒂河左岸,距巴格什瓦尔 22 公里,距考萨尼 16 公里,海拔 1,125 米。如果您来自 Bageshwar,则必须将车停在 Baijnath 拦河坝附近。从主干道沿河步行约100m即可到达寺庙群。
这些寺庙可能是世界上极少数描绘帕尔瓦蒂和她丈夫湿婆的寺庙之一。信徒们向寺庙内的湿婆林伽供奉贡提河的圣水。走几步就能到达Gomti 河。人们可以看到几十个古老的神像就躺在小寺庙的墙壁上。进入主寺庙时,请小心在 Prasadam 飞来的蜜蜂。我们点击了很多古老寺庙的照片,它们会提醒我们我们的传统和遗产。