Eclectic, interesting and fun
Gangwon Jonghap Museum的点评
点评:This museum is also known as the Gangwon Comprehensive Museum and is well worth a visit, especially if you are heading back from being amazed at the nearby Hwaseongul and Daegeumgul caves, which are only 10 mins drive away. The museum looks like a large temple complex. It is well laid out, where you follow a numbered route. When we went there were only a handful of tourists, which added to the atmosphere and the feeling that you had discovered somewhere special. The museum is an eclectic range of high-quality donated items, which are impressive in their range. The use of glass cases makes you feel as though you are in an old European natural history museum, which I mean as a positive. And outside there is the weirdest, psychedelic and fun feature whereby masses of man-made coral sculptures are growing into the temple and then spilling into a walkable park attraction. It's highly impressive and curious teens will love it. The gift shop is large and clearly built for clothes-shopping tourists. The coffee shop in as good as any in Seoul, and they put a huge amount of though into the beautiful presentation of their drinks. As with the nearby caves, this is a ten out of ten attraction and somewhere none of your Korean friends will have heard off. Unusual and impelling.
翻译:该博物馆也被称为江原道综合博物馆,非常值得一游,尤其是当您在参观完附近的华城窟和大金窟(距酒店仅 10 分钟车程)而返回时。博物馆看起来像一个大型寺庙建筑群。它布置得很好,你可以沿着一条编号的路线走。当我们去的时候,只有少数游客,这增加了气氛和你发现了一个特别的地方的感觉。该博物馆展出了一系列高品质的捐赠物品,其种类令人印象深刻。玻璃柜的使用让你感觉仿佛置身于古老的欧洲自然历史博物馆,我的意思是这是积极的。外面有一个最奇怪、迷幻和有趣的地方,大量的人造珊瑚雕塑生长到寺庙里,然后蔓延到一个适合步行的公园景点。它令人印象深刻,好奇的青少年会喜欢它。礼品店很大,显然是为买衣服的游客而建的。这家咖啡店和首尔的任何一家咖啡店一样好,他们在饮料的精美呈现上投入了大量的精力。与附近的洞穴一样,这是十分之十的景点,而且您的韩国朋友都不会听说过。不寻常且令人信服。