点评:Location: 7 km from Narkanda
Opening Hours: No fixed hours. But not advisable after dark
Travelling Mode: Car not bigger than Innova.
Local cab charges ₹800 to both way with 1 hour waiting
Description: It is the highest place about 11152 feet above sea level. The area is surrounded with conifer trees like cordles, maple, pine trees. At the highest point there is a wooden temple of Kalimata, known popularly as Hatu Mata Temple. There is a walking trail for the trekkers as well. You can get unobstructed views panoramic view of Pir Panjal, Dahauladhar ranges. We visited the place in December on a bright shining day. We got a clear panoramic view of the range. The temple was in very serene and calm environment and we visited Kalimata.
A must visit of you are visiting Narkanda or Thanedar.
翻译:位置:距纳尔卡达 7 公里
出行方式:汽车不能比 Innova 大。
当地出租车往返收费 ₹800,等待时间为 1 小时
描述: 这是海拔最高的地方,约 11152 英尺。该地区周围环绕着针叶树,如松树、枫树、松树。在最高点有一座 Kalimata 木制寺庙,俗称 Hatu Mata 寺庙。还有一条供徒步旅行者行走的步道。您可以一览无余地欣赏 Pir Panjal、Dahauladhar 山脉的全景。我们在 12 月的一个阳光明媚的日子参观了这个地方。我们可以清楚地看到山脉的全景。寺庙环境非常宁静平和,我们参观了 Kalimata。
如果您参观纳尔卡达或 Thanedar,一定要去参观。