Dedicated to community and education, Kalispell's oldest public building welcomes you
Northwest Montana History Museum的点评
点评:The museum has six thorough permanent exhibits (featuring everything from the roots of Kalispell to ecology, tribes, and early settlers of the Flathead Valley as well as regional industry and Glacier National Park) and two changing exhibit spaces. A bookstore/gift shop offers a wide range of Montana titles and wares. Apart from that, the place serves as a community center as it has for 130 years, drawing area residents and visitors for talks, performances, meetings, and other events. More than 70 volunteers keep the doors open and programs running, such as a monthly book club and movie night. Situated in the middle of Kalispell, the museum -- along with the Hockaday Museum of Art and the Conrad Mansion -- makes up the culture core of the Flathead Valley's biggest city.
翻译:该博物馆有六个完整的永久展览(展示从卡利斯佩尔的根源到生态、部落和弗拉特黑德山谷的早期定居者以及地区工业和冰川国家公园的一切)和两个不断变化的展览空间。书店/礼品店出售各种蒙大拿州书籍和商品。除此之外,130 年来,这里一直是社区中心,吸引当地居民和游客前来演讲、表演、会议和其他活动。超过 70 名志愿者负责维持大门敞开和项目正常运行,例如每月的读书俱乐部和电影之夜。该博物馆位于卡利斯佩尔市中心,与霍卡迪艺术博物馆和康拉德大厦一起构成了弗拉特黑德谷最大城市的文化核心。