Beautiful pieces of art glass, beautifully displayed.
National Art Glass Gallery的点评
点评:The curious wedge-shaped building which sits next to the main gallery spaces of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery houses the National Art Glass Collection. I understand it is still part of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, though it adopted its current name to recognise the collection’s national significance.
It contains a wonderful collection of glass, displayed over two floors in a building which itself is a bit of an architectural triumph, with some contemporary stained-glass units incorporated into design. It houses some 400 pieces of contemporary art glass, beautifully displayed to capture the natural light which pours in, and taking advantage of the curious wedge shape of the building. The lower floor provides a comprehensive history of art glass in Australia. That particular display is informative, and puts the collection into perspective.
I enjoyed my visit; there were some amazing pieces on show. It showcases Australian art glass from the 1960s to the present. At the time of my visit, I got to see an exhibition by Blake Griffiths called ‘Glass Beach’. He has used recycled glass, collected from beaches I believe, to create interesting yet somewhat bizarre human-like figures; it was almost as if these figures were mad out of sausages from a butcher’s shop. It was excellent.
Lovers of art glass will certainly appreciate and enjoy the collection. It's worth a visit.
翻译:奇特的楔形建筑位于沃加沃加艺术画廊的主要画廊空间旁边,收藏着国家艺术玻璃收藏品。我知道它仍然是 Wagga Wagga 艺术画廊的一部分,尽管它采用了现在的名称来识别该系列的国家意义。
它包含精美的玻璃收藏品,展示在一座建筑的两层楼上,这栋建筑本身就有点建筑上的胜利,设计中融入了一些现代彩色玻璃单元。它拥有约 400 件当代艺术玻璃,精美展示以捕捉倾泻而入的自然光线,并利用建筑物奇特的楔形形状。下层提供了澳大利亚艺术玻璃的综合历史。该特定显示内容丰富,并使该系列具有透视性。
我很享受这次访问;展出了一些令人惊叹的作品。它展示了从 1960 年代到现在的澳大利亚艺术玻璃。在我访问期间,我看到了布莱克·格里菲斯 (Blake Griffiths) 的一个名为“玻璃海滩”的展览。他使用回收的玻璃,我相信是从海滩收集的,创造了有趣但有点奇怪的类人形象;这些数字几乎就像是用肉店里的香肠发疯似的。这太棒了。