点评:Only one boat is arranged by AP Tourism Development Corporation which accomodates 120 pilgrims. It takes about 75 minutes from Pathalaganga (Which you can reach by ropeway or by walking down by steps from top) to Akkamahadeva Caves and requires walking for about 200-300 meters to the entrance of the cave. The cave is narrow and minimum height of the cave is about 3 feet for a distance of about 10-15 feet. Only those who can bend to height of 3ft or walk on knees can reach the the main deity and take blessings. The cave has pungent smell probably due to bats. The APTDC which takes you to akkamahadeva caves has a guide and takes good care of you and also guides you to reach the main deity. The cons for this trip is...you must register a day before with the APTDC booking office at the ropeway to go to akkamahadeva caves. As of now there is no online booking for it. Avoid going there in hot summers and carry water (as of now in srisailam you can get glass bottled water only which are heavy to carry....plastic bottle which are light are very essential for this trip...free RO water is available free of cost provided by Srisailam Devasthanam Board) and the return trip is faster and can come back in about 60 minutes. The time of stay at akkamahadeva caves is about 60-75 minutes. Total round back trip is about 4 hours to 5 hours from the time you start which can be 10 am to 11 am. But the return ropeway back is biggest drawback which makes you wait in queue line for 30- 60 minutes. Plan accordingly if you have children as you can lunch only after 3 pm at srisailam if you go on this trip. My suggestion is that people of height more than 6 ft and incapable of walking on your knees should avoid going into these caves. Wear Shorts and sandals as you have to walk bare footed into the caves. If you are natural lover you can enjoy the boating to the caves
翻译:AP 旅游开发公司只安排了一艘船,可容纳 120 名朝圣者。从 Pathalaganga(您可以乘坐索道或从顶部走下台阶到达)到 Akkamahadeva 洞穴大约需要 75 分钟,需要步行约 200-300 米才能到达洞口。洞穴狭窄,洞穴的最小高度约为 3 英尺,距离约 10-15 英尺。只有那些可以弯腰到 3 英尺高或跪着走路的人才能到达主神那里并接受祝福。洞穴有刺鼻的气味,可能是蝙蝠造成的。带您前往 akkamahadeva 洞穴的 APTDC 有导游,会好好照顾您并指导您到达主神那里。这次旅行的缺点是......您必须提前一天在索道处的 APTDC 预订办公室登记才能前往 akkamahadeva 洞穴。截至目前,还没有在线预订。避免在炎热的夏天前往那里并携带水(目前在斯里萨兰只能买到玻璃瓶装水,携带很重......轻的塑料瓶对这次旅行非常重要......斯里萨兰 Devasthanam 委员会免费提供免费的 RO 水)回程更快,大约 60 分钟即可返回。在 akkamahadeva 洞穴的停留时间约为 60-75 分钟。从出发时间开始,往返总时间约为 4 到 5 个小时,可能是上午 10 点到 11 点。但回程索道是最大的缺点,您需要排队等候 30-60 分钟。如果您有孩子,请做好计划,因为如果您参加这次旅行,您只能在斯里萨兰下午 3 点之后吃午餐。我的建议是身高超过 6 英尺且不能跪着走路的人避免进入这些洞穴。穿短裤和凉鞋,因为你必须赤脚走进洞穴。如果你是自然爱好者,你可以乘船去洞穴