点评:The site is usually described as the remains of a stone circle because someone in the 1700s said there were four more stones here then; but there are no signs of the other stones or their socket holes, there were only three stones on maps in the 1800s, and antiquarians in the 1700s made up all kinds of strange stories. So possibly the remains of a stone circle, but there really doesn't seem to be a whole lot of evidence to support this interpretation.
Two of the stones are made of conglomerate - like sandstone, but think petrified pebbly beach rather than petrified sandy beach - which is an unusual for standing stones. One of these two looks like a flattened mushroom, artificially kept from falling like a cardboard cutout. And one is in a really strange mound, which turns out to be concrete - it broke in a gale the 1970s and lots of concrete must have seemed like a good solution. That one is also well-graffitied with the initials of unremembered people impotently shouting "I was here".
The third stone is split by frost and is being further split by people hammering money into the cracks, presumably in the hope that some short-of-change god will think that 2 pence and permanent damage to an ancient site is a good deal in exchange for a bit of luck.
翻译:该遗址通常被描述为石圈的遗迹,因为 18 世纪有人说当时这里还有四块石头;但没有其他石头或它们的凹槽的迹象,19 世纪的地图上只有三块石头,18 世纪的古物学家编造了各种奇怪的故事。所以可能是石圈的遗迹,但似乎并没有太多证据支持这种解释。
其中两块石头是由砾岩制成的 - 就像砂岩,但可以想象成石化的卵石海滩而不是石化的沙滩 - 这对于立石来说很不寻常。其中一块看起来像扁平的蘑菇,人工防止它像纸板剪纸一样掉落。其中一块位于一个非常奇怪的土堆中,原来是混凝土 - 它在 20 世纪 70 年代的大风中破裂,大量混凝土似乎是一个很好的解决方案。那块石头上还涂鸦着一些不为人知的人的姓名首字母,他们无力地喊着“我曾来过这里”。
第三块石头被霜冻裂开,人们把钱砸进裂缝里,这块石头被进一步压裂,大概是希望某个缺钱的神会认为,用 2 便士和对古迹的永久破坏来换取一点好运是一笔好买卖。