点评:Most golfers in the Midwest know about Harbor Shores and these days it may not be much of a stretch to say that a good percentage of visitors to the Benton Harbor area are there because of Harbor Shores.
Harbor Shores is the only Jack Nicklaus Signature Course on Lake Michigan and the first beach, golf, and residential community in Southwest Michigan. It offers golfers the opportunity to play a championship golf course in championship condition. In essence, you can play where the pros play, under the same course conditions that the pros play in. When it opened in 2010, Golf Magazine ranked Harbor Shores No. 3 on their “Best New Courses You Can Play” list. A couple of months ago, Harbor Shores earned a spot on Golf Digest’s prestigious list of “America’s 100 Greatest Public Courses,” coming in at No. 90 on the list. The club also moved up six spots to No. 19 on Michigan’s Best in State list.
If you’re out to have a good time and be challenged, pick the set of tees that best suit your game. That’s important because if you try to bite off more than you can chew, this course can eat your lunch. Harbor Shores is a fantastic golf course that plays 6,734 yards from the Black Tees. It has a course rating of 73.6 and a slope of 146. Move up to the Gold Tees (6,159/70.2/139) and you’ll still be challenged yet able to leave with a certain amount of dignity.
Harbor Shores’ scorecard categorizes the holes into 4 groups: Inland, Dunes, Woodland, and River. The Dunes holes offer fantastic views of Lake Michigan and the dunes that surround it, while the Woodland holes wind through rolling hills, ravines, and a hardwood forest. When I think back upon my round at Harbor Shores, three holes stand out in my mind, Numbers 6, 7, and 10. Every hole out here is memorable in its own right, but there is one that rises above the rest.
The 10th hole was made famous by the Golden Bear himself and the green is recognized as one of his most famous. It’s a 475-yard par 5 with woods on the right, so favoring the left side off the tee helps to avoid all kinds of hazards. A layup shot played down the left side will leave the best angle into the notorious 4-tiered green. The green measures over 10,000 sq. ft. and being on the correct tier is everything if you want to avoid a potential 3-putt – or worse. The 10th green is best remembered for its grand opening round when Jack Nicklaus showed Johnny Miller how to make a 102-foot putt from the bottom level to the upper level. If you haven’t seen it, check it out on YouTube!
Harbor Shores offers some exceptional practice facilities including a full-length driving range, 2 short game areas, and a lighted putting green. The Learning Center uses Trackman technology for game improvement and club fitting,
If you’re hungry after your round, you don’t have to leave the clubhouse to get a great meal. The Grille has a very diverse menu for a golf course. Not only do they take the staples such as wings, burgers, and fries to a new level, but they also serve non-traditional plates like homemade hummus, loaded baked potato fritters, Michigan berry salad, and grilled shrimp tacos. The Big Dog Pork Tenderloin sandwich is almost big enough to be shared!
Harbor Shores Resort can be easily reached from three major markets; Chicago is about 90 minutes away while Detroit and Indianapolis are within three hours. The Resort has become a popular weekend getaway destination for couples, buddy golf trips, weddings, team-building events, and just about any other reason you can think of that might involve a golf course. The restaurant is a popular waterside spot for boaters from all over the area.
If you’re a serious golfer in any of these three markets, test your skills at Harbor Shores. You’ll use every club in the bag…at least once!
海港海岸 (Harbour Shores) 是密歇根湖上唯一的杰克·尼克劳斯 (Jack Nicklaus) 签名球场,也是密歇根州西南部第一个海滩、高尔夫球场和住宅社区。它为高尔夫球手提供了在锦标赛条件下打锦标赛高尔夫球场的机会。从本质上讲,您可以在职业球员打球的地方、在与职业球员打球相同的球场条件下打球。该球场于 2010 年开业时,《高尔夫杂志》将海港海岸 (Harbour Shores) 在“您可以打球的最佳新球场”名单中排名第三。几个月前,海港海岸在《高尔夫文摘》享有盛誉的“美国 100 个最伟大的公共球场”名单中占有一席之地,位列第 90 位。该俱乐部在密歇根州最佳榜单上也上升了 6 位,升至第 19 位。
如果您想享受美好时光并接受挑战,请选择最适合您比赛的 T 恤。这很重要,因为如果你试图贪多嚼不烂,这道菜就会吃掉你的午餐。 Harbour Shores 是一座绝佳的高尔夫球场,距离 Black Tees 6,734 码。它的球场评分为 73.6,坡度为 146。升到黄金发球台 (6,159/70.2/139),您仍然会受到挑战,但能够带着一定的尊严离开。
Harbour Shores 的记分卡将球洞分为 4 组:内陆洞、沙丘洞、林地洞和河流洞。沙丘洞可欣赏到密歇根湖及其周围沙丘的美妙景色,而林地洞则蜿蜒穿过连绵起伏的丘陵、峡谷和硬木森林。当我回想起在海港海岸的那场比赛时,我脑海中浮现出三个洞,即 6 号洞、7 号洞和 10 号洞。这里的每个洞本身都令人难忘,但总有一个洞比其他洞更出色。
第 10 洞因金熊本人而闻名,果岭被认为是他最著名的洞之一。这是一个 475 码的五杆洞,右侧有木杆,因此偏向发球台左侧有助于避免各种危险。从左侧击出的上篮将为臭名昭著的四层果岭留下最佳角度。果岭面积超过 10,000 平方英尺,如果您想避免潜在的 3 推杆或更糟糕的情况,那么位于正确的层上就是一切。 10 号果岭最令人难忘的是其盛大的首轮比赛,当时杰克·尼克劳斯 (Jack Nicklaus) 向约翰尼·米勒 (Johnny Miller) 展示了如何从下层推到上层 102 英尺的推杆。如果您还没有看过,请在 YouTube 上查看!
Harbour Shores 提供一些出色的练习设施,包括全长练习场、2 个短杆区和一个带照明的果岭。学习中心使用 Trackman 技术进行比赛改进和球杆安装,
如果您在一轮比赛后感到饥饿,您不必离开俱乐部会所即可享用美餐。 Grille 为高尔夫球场提供非常多样化的菜单。他们不仅将鸡翅、汉堡和薯条等主食提升到一个新的水平,而且还提供非传统菜肴,如自制鹰嘴豆泥、烤土豆油条、密歇根浆果沙拉和烤虾炸玉米饼。大狗猪里脊肉三明治几乎大到可以分享!
从三个主要市场均可轻松抵达海港海岸度假村 (Harbour Shores Resort);距芝加哥约 90 分钟路程,距底特律和印第安纳波利斯不到 3 小时路程。该度假村已成为情侣周末度假、好友高尔夫旅行、婚礼、团队建设活动以及任何您能想到的与高尔夫球场有关的任何其他活动的热门目的地。该餐厅是深受该地区各地划船者欢迎的水边场所。