点评:What a truly Magical, Heartwarming and Unforgettable night we had at the opening of "Irving Berlin's White Christmas the musical" at this gorgeous theatre which is my favourite one!
This show transported me to a Beautiful, Delightful and Joyful world! I LOVED everything about it and highly recommend it as the PERFECT Christmas/Holiday/Birthday gift to give to yourself and your loved ones!
Congratulations and Thank Yous to the Brilliant Director & Choreographer, Michael Lichtefeld, and his Super Talented cast and creative team for what you have created! The costumes and sets were GORGEOUS and I was very impressed by all the dances and the superb acting! The "I Love a Piano" dance number was Wowsy, Wow, Wow, and worth the price of admission alone!!
A HUGE thank YOU to Quinley Kurczak, Brad Rudy, Josh Alcantara, Devin Alexander, Eric Craig, Andrew MacDonald-Smith (awesome Drayton debut), Colleen Furlan, Jackie Mustakas, Ellen Berwick, Jessica and Sarah from 10 Talent Management who made the time to speak with me post show; you had made my night! Don't miss this Must-See show!!
祝贺并感谢才华横溢的导演兼编舞 Michael Lichtefeld 以及他超级才华横溢的演员和创意团队所创造的一切!服装和布景非常华丽,我对所有的舞蹈和精湛的表演印象深刻!“我爱钢琴”舞蹈表演令人惊叹,哇,哇,单凭门票就值回票价!!
非常感谢 Quinley Kurczak、Brad Rudy、Josh Alcantara、Devin Alexander、Eric Craig、Andrew MacDonald-Smith(Drayton 的精彩首秀)、Colleen Furlan、Jackie Mustakas、Ellen Berwick、Jessica 和 Sarah(来自 10 Talent Management),他们在演出结束后抽出时间与我交谈;你们让我度过了一个美好的夜晚!不要错过这场必看的演出!!