Unique physical activity, especially with friends
Manitou Springs Incline的点评
点评:The Incline is a great place to go if you want to skip the Stair Stepper at Planet Fitness for a day! To say it’s a walk in the park would be farther from the truth than asserting that ultimate fighting was designed for octogenarians.
I had to walk about a mile and a half from downtown Manitou Springs to reach the Incline entrance. Once there, I looked up at the daunting series of wooden steps leading up the mountainside and ultimately decided it wasn’t worth the wear and tear on my body, especially alone. Unlike hikes in the woods or trails meandering up a mountain, The Incline is literally straight up. There’s no suspense, no discovery, no escape. It’s a physical challenge, and for many, it’s a great opportunity to exercise and socialize. Had Cherry Wonderdog been with other canines, I would have been more inclined to “accomplish the task” together.
翻译:如果您想在一天内不去 Planet Fitness 的 Stair Stepper,那么 The Incline 是个不错的选择!说这是公园散步比声称终极格斗是为八十多岁的老人设计的还要离谱。
我必须从 Manitou Springs 市中心步行大约一英里半才能到达 Incline 入口。到达那里后,我抬头看着通往山腰的一系列令人生畏的木制台阶,最终决定不值得我为此付出体力,尤其是独自一人。与在树林中徒步旅行或蜿蜒上山的小径不同,The Incline 实际上是笔直向上的。没有悬念,没有发现,也没有逃脱。这是一项体力挑战,对许多人来说,这是锻炼和社交的好机会。如果 Cherry Wonderdog 和其他狗在一起,我会更倾向于一起“完成任务”。