Beautiful, peaceful stop on the Portuguese Camino!
Monasterio de Armenteira的点评
点评:Beautiful monastery! The church and cloisters are peaceful and quiet. There is an excellent gift shop offering rosaries, and home made soaps and aromatherapy options at very reasonable prices. An evening Pilgrim's Blessing with wonderful singing is also available; check their calendar. The day we visited, a funeral was scheduled, with burial in the nearby cemetary, which is well worth a visit.
The monastery's reserved accommodations are strictly geared for those planning to stay a week or more in contemplation. There are a very few, first-come/first-served spaces sometimes available for pilgrims walking the Camino; these cannot be reserved. (Less than a half kilometer along the Camino from the monastery is a small hostel with 17 dorm beds; as of early 2024, ten of these can be reserved; the rest are walk-up, and space fills early.)
修道院的预订住宿严格面向那些计划停留一周或更长时间进行沉思的人。有时,朝圣者步行朝圣之路时会有一些先到先得的空间;这些空间不能预订。(距离修道院不到半公里的朝圣之路上有一家小旅馆,有 17 张宿舍床位;截至 2024 年初,其中 10 张可以预订;其余的是步行式的,空间很快就会填满。)