点评:What an amazing venue. I have only ridden off-road once since way back in my earlier years but went home thinking anything’s possible, and with a stupid grin on my face that’s still here two days later!. Some of the amazing trails Pete and his team guided us through were increased in difficulty as the day went on to push us that little bit further out of our comfort zone (but still within our limits). We were a group of mixed ability and experience but all managed to get through the day as one team and without leaving anyone behind.
Towards the end of the day we stood at the top of this gnarly mud fested, deeply rutted steep forest trail. It had been pissing down all day and thought there’s no way he’s taking us down there. But we all survived it pushing ourselves further than we thought possible and I feel capable enough to tackle some TRF trails on my own now.
Pete’s expertise is clear to see and he is such a confidence inspiring coach and genuine nice guy. The rest of the team are also great guys and helped us all during our day, stepping in to assist only when we needed it.
The bikes were fantastic too, all well maintained, with a choice of Stark Varg electric and Beta X-Trainer 300cc two strokes with more than enough power for anyone but still nice and light. They also had numerous options for lower seat height models, although at 5ft 11, the Beta was fine and I was able to flat foot it.
I have never had so much fun in the rain. It was cold, a bit frosty in places and sodden wet with water obstacles all day. I’m so glad we did it in this weather as they were the hardest conditions to learn in and much of anything else should be a bit of a breeze now. I will definitely be returning as soon as I have scrabbled enough funds together.
翻译:多么棒的场地。从我早年起,我只骑过一次越野车,但回家后觉得一切皆有可能,脸上还挂着傻傻的笑容,两天后,我的笑容还在!Pete 和他的团队带我们走过的一些令人惊叹的路线随着时间的推移变得越来越难,让我们更加远离舒适区(但仍在我们的能力范围内)。我们是一群能力和经验参差不齐的人,但所有人都作为一个团队度过了这一天,没有把任何人抛在后面。
快到一天结束时,我们站在这条泥泞、坑坑洼洼的陡峭森林小径的顶端。一整天都在下雨,我觉得他不可能带我们去那里。但我们都挺过来了,把自己推得比我们想象的还要远,现在我觉得我有能力独自应对一些 TRF 路线了。
Pete 的专业知识显而易见,他是一位鼓舞人心的教练,也是一位真诚的好人。团队的其他成员也都很棒,他们全天都在帮助我们,只在我们需要的时候才伸出援手。
自行车也很棒,保养得很好,有 Stark Varg 电动自行车和 Beta X-Trainer 300cc 两冲程自行车可供选择,动力绰绰有余,但仍然很轻便。他们还有许多较低座椅高度的车型可供选择,虽然我身高 5 英尺 11 英寸,但 Beta 很好,我能够平脚踩。