点评:Wonderful experience and customer service. Booking was easy and I received same day answers to multiple questions by email from Joy and others.
Our flight was cancelled due to a storm but rescheduled for the next morning without a problem. A driver picked us up at our Maun hotel and returned us afterwards - very convenient. Kane, our pilot, was professional and gave just the right amount of info (not too much). We found Wildebeest, Zebra, Elephants, Hippos, Giraffes and Crocodiles. I'm in a wheelchair and getting into the front seat was not a problem (with help).
NOTES: Sunscreen on your arms is a must. I used a 200 - 600mm lens (full frame) on my DLSR and it was too long. 100 - 300mm would have been better at 500 feet up (150m). I'm 6' 1" (185cm) and fit in the front but would not have fit in back.
翻译:很棒的体验和客户服务。预订很简单,我当天就收到了 Joy 和其他人通过电子邮件对我的多个问题的回答。
我们的航班因暴风雨取消,但第二天早上重新安排了航班,没有任何问题。司机在我们所在的马翁酒店接我们,然后又把我们送回——非常方便。我们的飞行员 Kane 很专业,提供了恰到好处的信息(不会太多)。我们发现了角马、斑马、大象、河马、长颈鹿和鳄鱼。我坐在轮椅上,坐到前排座位不成问题(有人帮忙)。
注意:手臂上必须涂防晒霜。我在我的 DLSR 上使用了 200 - 600 毫米镜头(全画幅),太长了。在 500 英尺高(150 米)时,100 - 300 毫米会更好。我身高 6 英尺 1 英寸(185 厘米),适合坐在前排,但不适合坐在后排。