点评:This has been on my Bucket List for a while. I knew I'd be nervous, as I'm afraid of heights. But I wanted to experience Go Ape Zipline & Adventure Park more than I wanted to be afraid, so when my son and daughter-in-law offered to take me, I couldn't resist.
I loved it!!! Well, until I reached the last ladder just beyond the Tarzan swing. I was finished and wanted down. The only way down was up the ladder. After a bit of pep talk from my son, daughter-in-law, and the workers, I grumbled up the ladder, and I'm oh so glad I did.
Do it. If you are a little nervous, do it. My philosophy is simple: Do you want to be more afraid, or do you want to --- (fill in the blank)? I typically want to face the challenge, if only once.
Immediately after I finished the course, I said I'd never do it again. But guess what? I will. I want to defeat that final ladder with some courage.
翻译:这已经在我的愿望清单上一段时间了。我知道我会紧张,因为我恐高。但我想体验 Go Ape Zipline & Adventure Park 胜过害怕,所以当我的儿子和儿媳提出带我去的时候,我无法抗拒。
去做吧。如果你有点紧张,那就去做吧。我的理念很简单:你想更害怕,还是想 ---(填空)?我通常想面对挑战,哪怕只有一次。