点评:We were recommended Raphael's XianDayTour for our visit to Xian. Our assigned guide, Evelyn, effectively bilingual, was very sweet and attentive. We visited the Terracotta Warriors Museum and Big Wild Goose Pagoda, where Evelyn provided us with the history behind each site and showed us around. She also went out of her way to share other sites we could visit during our stay in xian and the shopping and eat and shop.
We had lunch at a local restaurant. As we had never tried Shaanxi food before, Evelyn helped to order the food items that were popular in Xian, eg, Hulu Chicken, Biang Biang Noodles, Cold Noodles, Roujiamo. The dishes were delicious!
This private tour is an eye opener and a good introduction for first-timers to Xian. Many thanks to Raphael, Evelyn, and our driver for making this tour possible.
翻译:有人向我们推荐了 Raphael 的西安一日游,让我们可以尽情游览西安。我们的导游 Evelyn 能说流利的双语,非常亲切和细心。我们参观了兵马俑博物馆和大雁塔,Evelyn 向我们介绍了每个景点背后的历史,并带我们参观了各个景点。她还特意向我们介绍了在西安逗留期间可以参观的其他景点以及购物、就餐和购物的地点。
我们在当地一家餐馆吃了午饭。由于我们之前从未尝过陕西菜,Evelyn 帮忙点了西安的热门菜品,例如葫芦鸡、Biang Biang 面、冷面、肉夹馍。菜品非常美味!
这次私人旅行令人大开眼界,是首次来西安的游客的良好介绍。非常感谢 Raphael、Evelyn 和我们的司机,让这次旅行成为可能。