点评:Spent an enjoyable sojourn viewing the fine collections. Both permanent and temporary.
Covering predominantly Swiss artists from the 1700s to now it was a cogent opportunity to see the oeuvre of artists we had not previously encountered.
Otto Morach had an interesting artistic journey including moving from Art Nouveau to Cubism and Futurism. We saw two of his striking pieces.
Monica Studer was born in Zurich in 1960; in her work she focuses on alpine scenes and rooms and builds, all in a contemporary manner.
Pauline Julier’s exhibition, titled A Single Universe, is an engaging thought provoking journey through the geological ages of our own planet, and beyond. She highlights the interconnectedness of everything in the biosphere, including humanity.
展览主要涵盖了从 18 世纪到现在的瑞士艺术家,这是一个难得的机会,让我们看到以前从未见过的艺术家的作品。
奥托·莫拉赫 (Otto Morach) 经历了一段有趣的艺术之旅,包括从新艺术运动转向立体主义和未来主义。我们看到了他的两件引人注目的作品。
莫妮卡·斯图德 (Monica Studer) 于 1960 年出生于苏黎世;她的作品以现代风格为特色,专注于阿尔卑斯山的场景、房间和建筑。
保琳·朱利尔 (Pauline Julier) 的展览名为“一个宇宙”,是一场引人入胜、发人深省的旅程,穿越我们自己星球的地质时代,甚至更远。她强调了生物圈中一切事物的相互联系,包括人类。