点评:Saint-George is a must-see for lovers of Norman architecture.
Completed around 1130, it is one of the best-preserved examples of its time. In the 13th century the original timber roof was replaced with a Gothic vault and the tower tops of the west façade were added. However, the interior is otherwise pristine Romanesque.
The foliated capitals are of particular historical significance for being new to the region. Scholars have identified many of the plants. Moreover, the construction site is deliberately oriented to the summer solstice sunrise in the east end and many capitals dedicated to saints positioned for sunlight on the saint’s day. It truly is a treasure.
Note that many art history texts refer to these churches by the name of their village, in this case Saint-Martin-de-Boscherville.
A bonus to any visit is the garden, restored along formal French lines in the park surrounding the abbey. For many it will itself be worth the journey.
教堂于 1130 年左右完工,是当时保存最完好的建筑之一。13 世纪,教堂原有的木质屋顶被哥特式穹顶取代,西立面的塔顶也进行了加建。但教堂内部仍保留着原始的罗马式风格。