点评:We as a family decided to blow away some of the Christmas cobwebs and take a stroll together in the forest park, our first visit here. Whilst a walk surrounded by nature in this park is something wonderful, listening to birds and waterfalls there are some downsides here which completely cancels out the joy of being outdoors with family and friends.
Some facilities in this park leave a lot to be desired, these include the following:
The barriers at the entrance were halfway up and machine at barrier was not working at all. As we had driven 30+ kms to get there we decided to drive under the barrier as we had seen another car doing this before us. They were however working again when we left.
Signposts, some of these need to be upgraded and added to, so that when you follow a sign and come to a path which branches off, it would be nice to know whether to take the left or right path.
Sitting areas / benches / steps. I know we are out in nature, but it would be nice to find a seat that isn’t covered completely in moss. Or to find manmade steps that aren’t a complete trip hazard!!
Coffee shop, completely closed today 30/12/24, and no signs to show when it would be open.
Bins, there should be much more bins provided near the entrance/exit beside car park and picnic area. We only saw 2 wheelie bins which were completely overflowing (see photo)
The worst shock however were the toilets!! They are a complete and utter disaster!!! See photos.
Myself and my daughter needed to use the ladies before we left but were shocked to see the state of them.
NO WORKING FLUSH on any toilet!
Not one light anywhere in toilets which is needed badly, dirty floor with leaves and mud, NO RUNNING WATER at all in sinks, one tap actually not secured to sink.
No hand-paper at all in dispensers. There was however toilet roll provided.
The toilet cubicle farthest to the left had no lid or seat.
There was also a full toilet (if you know what I mean) and I despair for the cleaner who would have to clean this, especially as there was no flush.
The accessible toilet next door was dirty too and had no running water either, I didn’t check in this one for a light but I would hope there is one as you would be in near complete darkness if you closed the door.
This is a public park and there should be wardens/attendants/cleaners there every day but it was totally obvious that there were no staff/wardens present for some time. Coillte need to get their act together and quickly.
入口处的护栏已经建到一半了,护栏上的机器根本不起作用。由于我们开车 30 多公里才到达那里,所以我们决定从护栏下面开车过去,因为我们看到另一辆车在我们之前这样做了。不过,我们离开的时候,它们又开始工作了。
咖啡店,今天 30/12/24 完全关闭,没有标志表明何时开放。
垃圾箱,在停车场和野餐区旁边的入口/出口附近应该提供更多垃圾箱。我们只看到 2 个带轮垃圾箱,它们完全溢出(见照片)
这是一个公共公园,每天都应该有管理员/服务员/清洁工在那里,但很明显,有一段时间没有工作人员/管理员在场。 Coillte 需要迅速采取行动。