点评:These people not only grift you into buying timeshares (don't go to the back office by the door), but they also treat their staff like replaceable garbage. Their manager, "Alexis", if she's still there, is in cahoots with the only other miserable single mother there to make all the other staff work horrible hours and she is not above attempting to entrap staff into a fireable position.
Not only all of that, but they have a rat infestation inside of their vents they've done NOTHING SUCCESSFUL about for 3 years. The roaches are insane during summer and spring (their biggest season). On top of it all, the staff like to take their sweet leisure time to do anything at all, will overpay you, and will proceed to talk trash about you and your family when you're out of earshot.
Source: Worked there for 3 years.
不仅如此,他们的通风口内还有老鼠出没,他们 3 年来一直没有成功。蟑螂在夏季和春季(蟑螂最多的季节)疯狂繁殖。最重要的是,员工喜欢利用他们的闲暇时间做任何事情,会多付你工资,当你听不到的时候,他们会继续说你和你家人的坏话。
来源:在那里工作了 3 年。