点评:Although it is quite small, being the top floor of a municipal building, this is a really nice gallery of works mainly by artists from the local region. There is a multi-story car park right next door and coffee shops and restaurants on the high street around the corner. If you are local or grew up in the area there are some nice paintings of the locality, I particularly liked the painting of the Hayes in Cardiff from 1948 (by Charles Turner) and the River Usk with the Transporter Bridge in 1934 (by Leonard Foote). I was also pleased to see a work by Nan Youngman, who is a favourite of mine. Like many museums in the UK it is free to enter but donations are welcomed (though they could do with installing a card donation machine). As well as the paintings there is a large porcelain figurine collection and also some local history items on display.
翻译:虽然它很小,位于市政大楼的顶层,但这是一个非常不错的画廊,主要展出了当地艺术家的作品。隔壁有一个多层停车场,拐角处的大街上有咖啡馆和餐馆。如果你是当地人或在该地区长大,这里有一些当地的精美画作,我特别喜欢 1948 年的卡迪夫海耶斯 (Charles Turner) 的画作和 1934 年的乌斯克河与运输桥 (Leonard Foote) 的画作。我也很高兴看到 Nan Youngman 的作品,他是我最喜欢的。像英国的许多博物馆一样,这里免费入场,但欢迎捐款(尽管他们可以安装一个卡捐款机)。除了画作外,这里还有大量的瓷器雕像收藏品和一些当地历史物品展出。