A Transformational, Life Affirming Experience I Will Always Cherish!
SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats的点评
点评:An absolutely life-affirming, transformational experience! Five months later and I am still processing how absolutely amazing this experience was. I came in expecting to explore what could be next, and what I received was so much more. Over the course of 4 days, I met with 12 different practitioners: each providing exceptional insight as well as targeted guidance to help me understand how my past perfectly prepared me for the transition I was managing and the future focus I should take. The staff did an exceptional job of listening to my needs and interests, and by the time I arrived I felt as if everyone really knew me. I was so impressed with how specific and supportive everyone was, it truly felt like I had an extended team waiting for me. The pace of the schedule was perfect, allowing me times for self-reflection and exploring Sedona in between sessions. It was equally helpful that all of the sessions began at SpiritQuest's center, so I did not have to stress about driving to different offices and locations. The caliber of practitioners they work with are exceptional! As someone who has planned retreats for 20 years, and as an energy healing practitioner myself, it was exhilarating to experience new methods, techniques, and approaches that met me where I came in from...and helped moved me forward from that point. Nothing was a repeat of sessions I had before or content I previously studied...this was truly a refreshing and energizing adventure. I cannot wait to come back and do more! With much love, gratitude, and respect...Sincerely, Paul Moda
翻译:这是一次绝对肯定生命、带来转变的经历!五个月后,我仍然在回味这段经历有多么美妙。我来这里是为了探索接下来会发生什么,但我得到的远不止这些。在四天的时间里,我遇到了 12 位不同的从业者:每个人都提供了非凡的见解和有针对性的指导,帮助我了解我的过去是如何完美地为我所管理的过渡以及我应该关注的未来做好准备的。工作人员非常出色地倾听了我的需求和兴趣,当我到达时,我感觉好像每个人都真的了解我。我对每个人的专注和支持印象深刻,我真的觉得有一支庞大的团队在等着我。时间安排的节奏很完美,让我有时间在课程之间自我反思和探索塞多纳。同样有帮助的是,所有的课程都在 SpiritQuest 的中心开始,所以我不必担心开车去不同的办公室和地点。与他们合作的从业者的素质非常出色!作为一个 20 年来一直策划静修的人,以及作为一名能量治疗师,能够体验到新的方法、技巧和方法,让我感到很兴奋,这些方法、技巧和方法与我刚开始的地方相吻合……并帮助我从那一刻起继续前进。没有什么是我以前参加过的课程或以前学习过的内容的重复……这真是一次令人耳目一新、充满活力的冒险。我迫不及待地想回来做更多!满怀爱意、感激和尊重……诚挚的,保罗·莫达