点评:We arrived Valu Beach after a 3+ hours drive (4WD) from Baucau via Lospalos in late August. Once we settled down at our guesthouse, we took the boat to Jaco Island around 3:30pm and spent a good 1.5 hours snorkeling near the beach. The water was crystal clear and calm, and there were local families hanging out there as well. In terms of swimming, it's a dream beach one can't ask for more! In terms of snorkeling, since we also did snorkeling at Atauro Island, I would say the corals at Jaco are decent. We didn't see many fish that afternoon. The boat returned at 5pm to pick up everyone (including the locals). At the time of visit, we stayed at the Lakumorre Guest House for 1 night. We were told by fellow travelers that the hotel at Tutuala was not open (or they couldn't find the host). The next morning we hanged out mostly at the Valu Beach to watch sunrise and take a quick morning dip before leaving. With the morning low tide, swimming at Valu needs to be careful due to the rocks. We were happy to have made it to this part of Timor Leste despite a long journey. To have the beach mostly to yourself or only shared by a few is hard to come by these days!
翻译:八月下旬,我们从包考出发,经洛斯帕洛斯,经过 3 个多小时的四驱车车程,到达了瓦鲁海滩。在宾馆安顿下来后,我们于下午 3:30 左右乘船前往哈科岛,并在海滩附近浮潜了 1.5 个小时。水清澈见底,风平浪静,当地家庭也在那里闲逛。就游泳而言,这是一个不能再要求更多的梦想海滩!浮潜方面,因为我们也在阿陶罗岛浮潜过,所以我觉得哈科岛的珊瑚还是不错的。那天下午我们没有看到很多鱼。船于下午 5 点返回,接载所有人(包括当地人)。访问时,我们在Lakumorre Guest House 住了一晚。同行的旅客告诉我们,图图阿拉的酒店没有营业(或者他们找不到房东)。第二天早上,我们主要在瓦卢海滩闲逛,观看日出,并在离开前快速游个泳。早上退潮时,在 Valu 游泳需要小心,因为有岩石。尽管路途遥远,我们还是很高兴能够到达东帝汶的这个地区。如今,想要拥有大部分属于自己的海滩或仅由少数人共享的海滩已经很难了!