点评:The Funk family has been selling maple sugar products in Funks Grove and Shirley, Illinois, since the 1890s. Located at 5257 Old Route 66, south of Shirley, north of Funks Grove, 15 miles southwest of Bloomington, Funk's Grove Maple Sirup sells pure maple sirup, maple candy, ice cream, pancakes, muffin mixes, johnnycake, fruits, grains, gifts and souvenirs. Open from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday, 10 to 5 on Saturday and 1 to 5 on Sunday, it is the nucleus of the extensive seed farms operated by the Funk Brothers Seed Company, which has 22,000 acres devoted to seed experiments and developments and to livestock breeding. It all came about because of the sirup or syrup. Sirup is the product made by boiling sap from sugar maple trees. Syrup is the end product of adding sugar to fruit juice. Sirup with an "i' continued to appear as late as 1973 despite Webster's dictionary shifting to syrup with a 'y' in the late 1950s. However you spell it, the product is delicious. Be sure to stop and purchase some chocolate-dipped pure maple candy, pure maple cream, pure maple sugar and bourbon-barrel aged pure maple sirup. Trust me, you've never tasted anything like them.
翻译:从 19 世纪 90 年代起,Funk 家族就一直在伊利诺伊州的 Funks Grove 和 Shirley 销售枫糖产品。Funk's Grove Maple Sirup 位于 Shirley 以南、Funks Grove 以北、布卢明顿西南 15 英里处的 Old Route 66 5257 号,出售纯枫糖浆、枫糖糖、冰淇淋、煎饼、松饼粉、玉米饼、水果、谷物、礼品和纪念品。营业时间为周一至周五 9 点至 5 点,周六 10 点至 5 点,周日 1 点至 5 点,它是 Funk Brothers Seed Company 经营的大型种子农场的核心,该公司拥有 22,000 英亩土地用于种子实验和开发以及牲畜养殖。一切都因糖浆而起。糖浆是将糖枫树的汁液煮沸后制成的产品。糖浆是将糖加到果汁中的最终产品。尽管韦氏词典在 20 世纪 50 年代末将糖浆改为以“y”开头的糖浆,但以“i”开头的糖浆一直到 1973 年仍在出现。不管你怎么拼写,这种产品都很美味。一定要停下来买一些巧克力浸渍的纯枫糖、纯枫糖奶油、纯枫糖和波本桶陈酿的纯枫糖浆。相信我,你从来没有尝过这样的东西。