点评:Colourful & peaceful gardens in the new town.. Although it’s usually sold out & you here to queue for your pre-booked slot, you can find space & peace in the gardens .
There are so many staff that the place runs well. Compared to the other big attractions in Marrakech this was the better experience as you could actually get a bit of space! The joint memorial for YSL & his partner is nice. We had lunch in the café courtyard which was on the pricey side but worth it for the lovely food & surroundings. We spent over 2 hours in there although & it flew past!
We paid the combined ticket & got into the Berber House & YSL museum too. The Berber house was excellent compared to other Berber House experiences on trips! The collection in there is extensive & well laid out.
The YSL museum doesn’t have much to it, we didn’t spend longer than an hour in there.
工作人员很多,所以这里运转良好。与马拉喀什的其他大型景点相比,这是更好的体验,因为你实际上可以获得一些空间! YSL 和他的伴侣的联合纪念碑很不错。我们在咖啡馆庭院里吃了午餐,虽然价格昂贵,但值得一去,因为那里有美味的食物和环境。虽然我们在那里呆了两个多小时,但时间过得很快!
我们买了联票,还参观了柏柏尔之家和 YSL 博物馆。与旅行中体验的其他柏柏尔之家相比,柏柏尔之家非常棒!里面的藏品丰富,布局合理。
YSL 博物馆没什么特别的,我们在那里呆的时间不超过一个小时。