点评:Savuti is almost guaranteed to deliver, when it comes to game drives. In just a few hours we saw hundreds of elephants, thousands of zebra and springbok plus giraffes, buffalo, wildebeest, kudu, etc. as well as a varied birdlife, including vultures feasting on a meal of leftover elephant. That said - considering the exorbitant entrance fees to the park, there should be a little left over to update the signs in the park. Many have, I suspect, been used by elephants etc. to rub itchy spots, the directions on the signs are worn off and impossible to read, or the signs have been tipped over. It is very easy to loose your way and ending up in the wrong place. As for the tar roads leading to the north of Botswana - they are a disgrace. The road from Sehitwa via Shakawe we named Pothole Avenue - the tar is in some places nonexistent, which is almost to be preferred to giant potholes that are almost impossible to avoid. The same goes for the Maun-Nata-Kasane road. The government of Botswana should be ashamed of not maintaining the infrastructure - but maybe the politicians are more interested in short term mining adventures with foreign investors skimming the profits and ruining the roads with heavy trucks. Botswana could learn a lot from Namibia - if you want to experience Savuti, go via Caprivi if possible. Both Maun and Kasane have a lot of lovely, expensive lodges, campsites and also a growing amount of private guesthouses. The towns is growing, but apparently without much thought to the main source of income: Tourism. In the evening, the old centre of Kasane is practically dead, no evening life, except at the lodges and larger guesthouses. A bit of city planning would go a long way. But city planners seem to be interested solely in developing industrial areas and boring mainstream malls on the outskirts of Kasane. The same goes for Maun. No places to stroll in the evening, you need to take your car to a specific place. We lived in Botswana 30 years ago, back then Kasane and Maun were small, but lively and pleasant to visit!
翻译:在游戏驾驶方面,Savuti 几乎可以保证交付。在短短几个小时内,我们看到了数百头大象、数千只斑马和跳羚,还有长颈鹿、水牛、角马、捻角羚等,以及各种各样的鸟类,包括秃鹫正在吃大象剩下的食物。也就是说,考虑到公园的入场费过高,应该还剩下一点钱来更新公园里的标志。我怀疑许多标牌被大象等用来摩擦发痒的地方,标牌上的说明已经磨损并且无法阅读,或者标牌已被翻倒。很容易迷失方向并最终走错地方。至于通往博茨瓦纳北部的柏油路 - 它们是一种耻辱。从 Sehitwa 经 Shakawe 的道路,我们将其命名为坑洼大道 - 有些地方根本不存在焦油,这几乎比几乎无法避免的巨大坑洼更受欢迎。 Maun-Nata-Kasane 公路也是如此。博茨瓦纳政府应该为不维护基础设施而感到羞耻,但也许政客们更感兴趣的是短期采矿冒险,外国投资者会掠夺利润,并用重型卡车毁坏道路。博茨瓦纳可以向纳米比亚学习很多东西——如果你想体验萨武蒂,如果可能的话,可以经过卡普里维。马翁和卡萨内都有许多漂亮、昂贵的旅馆、露营地,还有越来越多的私人宾馆。城镇正在增长,但显然没有太多考虑主要收入来源:旅游业。晚上,卡萨内的旧中心几乎死气沉沉,除了小屋和较大的宾馆外,没有夜生活。一些城市规划会有很大帮助。但城市规划者似乎只对开发工业区和无聊卡萨内郊区的主流购物中心感兴趣。马翁也是如此。晚上没有地方可以逛,需要把车开到特定的地方。 30年前我们住在博茨瓦纳,当时卡萨内和马翁很小,但很热闹,参观起来很愉快!