点评:Located just north of Confederation Bridge is the delightful free Marine Rail Park on the right side. There are several easy ways to get there, but basically you will end up on Borden Avenue.
Marine Rail Park is where the railroad once met the ships to carry them across Northumberland Strait to New Brunswick. The last passenger trains ended in 1968. It is also where the steamships would drop off their passengers. This process went on for many years until the bridge was finally completed in 1997.
The park provides an excellent photo shoot of the bridge. There is also a depot with clean bathrooms. A train car is also on display. The Quartermaster memorial was constructed honoring all those people that worked to transport people and ships. A lighthouse was also constructed which makes a good photo op too.
There is plenty of grass to have your kids run around. It also makes a good area for your dog to have some room too. Maybe a 20-minute stop is all what you need to enjoy this historic Prince Edward Island spot. If you found this review to be “helpful” in any way, please click “Thumbs-up” to let me know.
海洋铁路公园是铁路曾经与船只交汇的地方,将船只运送穿过诺森伯兰海峡到达新不伦瑞克。最后一趟客运列车于 1968 年停运。这里也是轮船乘客下客的地方。这个过程持续了很多年,直到 1997 年这座桥终于竣工。
这里有足够的草地供您的孩子奔跑。这也为您的狗提供了一个拥有一些空间的好地方。也许您只需停留 20 分钟即可游览这个历史悠久的爱德华王子岛景点。如果您发现此评论在任何方面“有帮助”,请单击“竖起大拇指”让我知道。