点评:The park is tranquil and quiet, the water is incredibly clear, and the little island with its bridges are quite picturesque. When on the island the bugs are few and far between. When you are in the woods, the bugs are insatiable biters. We had bug spray with DEET in it and we still got bit all over. Consider long sleeves, long pants and a net hat until you get to portions of the park that are more forgiving. Portions of the trail through the woods are swampy with standing water in close proximity to the trail, so be prepared for detours around these swampy spots. We began to pick up substantial sticks that we encountered to use as walk boards because some spots had no good way around them. We parked at the end of hardy lake road closest to the island. Be aware that there is only room for 2-3 cars here.
翻译:公园宁静祥和,水非常清澈,小岛上的桥梁风景如画。在岛上时,虫子很少而且间隔很远。当你在树林里时,虫子是贪得无厌的。我们用了含有避蚊胺的杀虫剂,但还是全身都被咬了。考虑穿长袖、长裤和网帽,直到您到达公园更宽松的部分。穿过树林的部分小路充满沼泽,靠近小路的地方有积水,因此请做好绕行这些沼泽地的准备。我们开始捡起遇到的大棍子用作步行板,因为有些地方没有很好的办法绕过它们。我们把车停在离岛最近的哈迪湖路的尽头。请注意,这里只能容纳 2-3 辆车。