点评:The road down to Devils Post Pile and Rainbow falls is ungoing a major rehaul and was currently closed during the week when we visited. The shuttles also were not running as it was out ov season,so we drove. We were advised to go in the afternoon about 4pm by the rangers due to the amount of people going and limited available parking. The road was one scariest I have been on, you have to give way to all logging trucks and all uphill traffic, not easy when its one car wide in places and has a sheer drop at the side. If the shuttle is operafional take the shuttle.
We walked to Devils Post Pile first and as we enjoy hiking and are fairly physically fit we then walked to Rainbow Falls. Its steep in places and quite a challenging walk, well worth it when you got there, the falls are stunning and were running in September
翻译:通往魔鬼柱桩和彩虹瀑布的道路正在进行大规模整修,我们参观的那个星期,这条路目前处于关闭状态。由于已经过了旺季,班车也没有运行,所以我们开车前往。护林员建议我们在下午 4 点左右出发,因为路上人很多,停车位也有限。这条路是我走过的最可怕的路之一,你必须给所有伐木卡车和上坡车辆让路,这可不容易,因为有些地方只有一辆车宽,而且侧面是陡峭的悬崖。如果班车可以运营,就乘坐班车。
我们先步行到魔鬼柱桩,因为我们喜欢徒步旅行,而且身体状况也相当不错,所以我们又步行到彩虹瀑布。那里有些地方很陡峭,步行很有挑战性,但当你到达那里时,一切都是值得的,瀑布非常壮观,而且在 9 月还在流淌