点评:At first, I wasn’t sure if we were able to visit as I sat across the street in the Square looking at the exterior of the building. I noticed people coming in and out very quickly. Thankfully, I took a chance and went to open the door and see that you actually could visit at this time. It’s quite small, but lovely and had some of the best painted tiles I had seen in the town. At one end is a traditional altar and more gilded wood, which seems to be a theme in the area. To the other end, though was another area of the chapel, but you weren’t able to access that you could only see it through glass and a screen, which for me was very unusual. This is definitely the most visited church as while I was there for maybe 20 minutes about 30 to 40 people came in and out very quickly so it’s highly trafficked. Regardless, I think this is probably my favourite of all the churches I saw in town.
翻译:起初,我坐在街对面的广场上看着建筑的外观,不确定我们是否能进去参观。我注意到人们进出非常快。谢天谢地,我抓住机会打开门,看看你现在是否真的可以参观。它很小,但很可爱,有一些我在镇上见过的最好的彩绘瓷砖。一端是一个传统的祭坛和更多的镀金木材,这似乎是该地区的主题。然而,另一端是教堂的另一个区域,但你无法进入,只能通过玻璃和屏幕看到它,这对我来说非常不寻常。这绝对是参观人数最多的教堂,因为当我在那里待了大约 20 分钟的时候,大约有 30 到 40 人进出非常快,所以人流量很大。无论如何,我认为这可能是我在镇上看到的所有教堂中最喜欢的。