点评:Don't waste your money.
Donate from your lounge room couch and then go to the zoo. At least at the zoo you'll see more and have a more engaging experience. You'll even be able to spend more time with them.
For 188usd per person this might be the most money you'll pay in 60minutes in Uganda.
Our experience:
- 1 hour boat ride there
- 10 minute informal chat in a hut
-30 minute seeing the staff feed the chimps
- pay 188usd
- get back on the boat to Entebbe.
The work itself of acting as a sanctuary is important and the team seem to be doing a good job, that's why we wanted to come and see. It was however, overshadowed by teams constant reminder to pay and get off the island promptly whilst on our visit.
1 comment that didn't sit right with us was the fact that 2 chimps would be suitable for the size of the island our host told us.
Currently there are 47 chimps on the island. That's not great math...
每人 188 美元,这可能是你在乌干达 60 分钟内支付的最高金额。
- 乘船 1 小时
- 在小屋里闲聊 10 分钟
- 30 分钟看工作人员喂黑猩猩
- 支付 188 美元
- 乘船返回恩德培。
有一条评论让我们感到不舒服,那就是我们的主人告诉我们,2 只黑猩猩适合岛屿的大小。
目前岛上有 47 只黑猩猩。这可不是什么了不起的数学...