点评:What a wonderful place this could be if North West Water maintained the replica of the castle.
Lord Leverhulme had this built in the early 19th C as one of his follies (he also built the terraced gardens going up from Rivington Reservoir, which the castle is built on the shore of....). It was built as a ruined replica - the ruins of Liverpool Castle still existed in Liverpool at this time (at the spot where the large Victoria Monument stands now).
It's worth visiting, just to be able to say you have done, and to imagine the castle in its glory. The replica as it is now however, is not being adequately looked after. It stand in the Rivington terraced gardens land (also owned by North West Water as they maintain the reservoir) but it is in a sorry state, covered in graffiti and plant life/bushes growing in the various spaces. It would be better maintained in the hands of the National Trust.
利弗休姆勋爵在 19 世纪初建造了这座城堡,这是他的一个愚蠢之举(他还建造了从里文顿水库向上延伸的梯田花园,城堡就建在水库岸边……)。它是作为一座废墟复制品建造的——当时利物浦城堡的废墟仍然存在于利物浦(现在矗立着巨大的维多利亚纪念碑)。