点评:From Osaka to rapid limited stops train to Sannomiya and then Seishen Yamato underground (entry is just outside the station North exit)
One stop to Shin Kobe.
Other reviews have pix of station direction signage to trail head.
I think others are either super fit or fibbers but the walk to see all the falls and reservoir took us oldies about 40 minutes, stopping for photos and scenic admiration.
We walked past the reservoir by about 80 metres and took the steep stairs up to the road above, turned right and went to the Herb Garden middle ropeway and used lift up to the top. Cost 2800 yen each for round trip.
Returning later to the bottom ropeway station gets close to Shin Kobe rail. Didn’t check out the lift near the ropeway exit but suspect it goes down to B3F which is the subway station concourse from which to journey is reversed back to Osaka.
We used a lift inside the adjacent building to B3F
我认为其他人要么身体超级好,要么撒谎,但我们这些老人花了大约 40 分钟步行去看所有的瀑布和水库,停下来拍照和欣赏风景。
我们走过水库约 80 米,走上陡峭的楼梯来到上面的路上,右转前往香草园中间索道,然后乘坐电梯到达顶部。往返每人花费 2800 日元。
稍后返回底部索道站,靠近新神户铁路。没有检查索道出口附近的电梯,但怀疑它会下降到 B3F,这是地铁站大厅,从那里可以返回大阪。
我们乘坐相邻建筑物内的电梯到达 B3F