点评:The Abbey has great views and is a really impressive structure, and it is definitely something that you should see.
The reason why I am scoring it 3/5 is because of the price. Unless you have a British Heritage membership then it is £13 to enter into the grounds. I think this is too much, as you don't spend that long in there because you look round and leave, so it is way too much.
I would recommend just walking up the steps and viewing the Abbey from the outside, as you can get a view of it without spending £13 each to get in.
There were some impressive free parts though, such as the church, that you can give an optional donation, and the views from the top of the steps are super impressive.
Overall I would recommend going to see the Abbey from the outside and walking up to see the impressive views, but not paying £13 each, because this is too much in my opinion.
我给它打 3/5 分的原因在于它的价格。除非您是英国遗产会员,否则进入修道院需要 13 英镑。我认为这太贵了,因为您不会在里面待太久,因为您会四处看看然后离开,所以这太贵了。
我建议您走上台阶,从外面观看修道院,因为您无需花费 13 英镑就可以欣赏到它。
总的来说,我建议您从外面参观修道院,然后走上去欣赏令人印象深刻的景色,但不要支付每人 13 英镑,因为在我看来这太贵了。