点评:We were lucky enough to get the Captains Tour of the USS Yorktown by retired Naval Aviator Jim Pollard. This was for me a very personal experience because my late father was a LtCdr on CV-8 USS Hornet and was on board for Doolittle's Raid. Since he passed away when I was very young I never got to hear the stories, so visiting the Yorktown was a chance for me to see what his working environment during WWII.
Jim's gracious and engaging manner of leading the tour, his delivery of the details of life on board, as well as lots of facts and stats about the ship were direct and often funny, as a career pilot I felt some kinship and shared wry humor.
Jim leads a great tour, if you are lucky enough to get him as your guide you will be rewarded with an informative and often humorous time!
Many Thanks Jim!
Peter S, Maine
翻译:我们很幸运,在退役海军飞行员 Jim Pollard 的带领下,我们参观了约克城号航空母舰。这对我来说是一次非常个人的体验,因为我已故的父亲是 CV-8 大黄蜂号航空母舰的少校,参加了杜立特空袭。由于他去世时我还很小,所以我从未听过他的故事,所以参观约克城号航空母舰让我有机会了解他在二战期间的工作环境。
Jim 带领参观的方式亲切而有趣,他对船上生活细节的描述,以及关于这艘船的许多事实和统计数据都很直接,而且常常很有趣,作为一名职业飞行员,我感到了一些亲切感,并分享了幽默感。
Jim 带领的旅行非常棒,如果你有幸请到他做导游,你将获得一段信息丰富且常常幽默的时光!
非常感谢 Jim!
Peter S,缅因州