Take some bug spray, enjoy the peace and tranquility
Hampton Plantation State Historic Site的点评
点评:Just a couple of tips if you want to see this place.
The walk around the trail and to see the house from the outside was free. We visited in June, the super sized mozzies came thick and fast for their human buffet. We both chucked on some loose long sleeves and trousers as well as dousing ourselves in Jungle Formula Max Strength roll on. We both escaped any bites. There was also a bee or wasp nest in the path of the trail. It didn’t cause us any bother but had an initial scare when I stepped on the holes.
There was a short trail with signs about the history of the site. The trail and stroll was free and there were toilets too. This I feel is really nice of the plantation to provide for free.
There are two tours, 12 noon and 2pm. We didn’t get to tour the house as we only came across the Plantation as we were passing and were there too early. We did however have a great chat with a lovely young man who works there who provided us some further history of the place.
It’s a great opportunity to see a plantation up close and personal and in peaceful surroundings with no crowds.
沿着小径散步和从外面看房子都是免费的。我们六月去的,超大蚊子蜂拥而至,吃着人类的大餐。我们都穿上了宽松的长袖和长裤,还用 Jungle Formula Max Strength 滚珠式止汗剂洗澡。我们都没有被蚊子咬。小径上还有一个蜜蜂或黄蜂巢。它没有给我们带来任何困扰,但当我踩到洞时,最初有点害怕。
有两次游览,中午 12 点和下午 2 点。我们没有参观房子,因为我们只是在路过种植园时偶然发现的,而且到得太早了。不过,我们和一位在那里工作的可爱的年轻人聊得很开心,他给我们介绍了这个地方的更多历史。