点评:I have been visiting Sun City since the 1980s as a child with my parents, and numerous times during the 90s and 2000s as an adult. I have stayed in all the hotels. Our last visit was shocking at the Sun City Hotel during Jan 2025 - the overall decline and deteriorisation in how everything looks, what's on offer and the general lack of service is very sad to see and experience. What is even more shocking is the cost versus what you get for it! R14K per night at the Cascades; R20K per night at the Palace -seriously?? What is all the money used for? Certainly not to employ more staff to assist guests or to replace the 1980s brown and orange carpets. Or for that matter - to have more elevators which work! We ended up using the stairs every time, which look like they are from a horror movie. Why is the sky train still not working? It was built to provide easy transport in the resort to guests whilst providing a view of the scenery. Certainly using shuttles and busses (and using petrol/diesel which pollute) cannot be better? Why is the crocodile farm still closed? Why are the ponds around the Cascades so dirty and they stink - and what happended to the black swans which stayed there? Why does the aviary only have pigeons, chickens and ducks? This is NOT the Sun City my family (especially my late father) and I have loved for decades. We will not be returning unless a LOT changes there - it really is a sad state of affairs and many people who stayed there while we were there agreed.
翻译:我从 1980 年代起就和父母一起去过太阳城,成年后在 90 年代和 2000 年代去过很多次。我住过所有的酒店。我们最后一次去太阳城酒店是 2025 年 1 月,当时我们住得非常震惊——一切看起来、提供的服务以及普遍缺乏服务都变得一团糟,这让人非常难过。更令人震惊的是价格与实际价格的对比!Cascades 每晚 14,000 兰特;Palace 每晚 20,000 兰特——真的吗?这些钱都用来干什么了?肯定不是用来雇佣更多员工来协助客人,也不是用来更换 1980 年代的棕色和橙色地毯。或者说,用来安装更多能用的电梯!我们每次都走楼梯,看起来像是恐怖电影里的楼梯。为什么空中列车仍然无法运行?建造它是为了方便客人在度假村内交通,同时还能欣赏风景。当然,使用班车和公共汽车(以及使用污染环境的汽油/柴油)不是更好吗?为什么鳄鱼养殖场仍然关闭?为什么喀斯喀特山脉周围的池塘如此肮脏和发臭——住在那里的黑天鹅怎么了?为什么鸟舍里只有鸽子、鸡和鸭?这不是我家人(尤其是我已故的父亲)和我几十年来一直热爱的太阳城。除非那里发生很大变化,否则我们不会再回来了——这确实是一个令人悲伤的状况,我们在那里时住在那里的许多人也同意这一点。