点评:Visited all 3 Mora Valley mills (La Cueva, St. Vrain and Cleveland) during the Places with a Past tour hosted by the Las Vegas, NM's LVCCHP.
While several historic locations were open for tours on this particular day, my friend and I were excited to see New Mexico's flour mills, built between 1850 to 1873. Fantastic pieces of history being lovingly preserved and restored by local volunteers who are delighted to share their family histories and personal experiences around these mills. The Cleveland Roller Mill was our last stop (and longest stop) on our way back over the Sangre de Christos mountains and back toward home.
Taking in the lush green valley contrasted against the backdrop of the fire damaged pine forests of the Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak fires (2022 - largest wild fire in NM history) the area is both breathtaking and bittersweet. The residents and volunteers definitely were most awe-inspiring part of this tour, however. The folks we met are deeply rooted, caring and resilient. In the poorest town, in the poorest county in one of the poorest states in the US, these people shared their passion for their history, culture and their land.
The Cleveland Roller Mill is currently the only operational mill of the 3 but due to the heavily silted runoff (another result of the wildfire) that is foundering the mill race, it was not running during our visit. While seeing the mill in action would have been terrific, talking to the people who are instrumental in the restorations and operations of these big, beautiful giant buildings more than made up for it.
Come to the Mora Valley. Eat authentic northern New Mexican cuisine at Teresa's Tamales, stop by the Mora Valley Ranch & Grocery and do not miss the Cleveland Roller Mill!
翻译:在新墨西哥州拉斯维加斯 LVCCHP 举办的 Places with a Past 之旅中,参观了所有 3 个莫拉谷工厂(La Cueva、St. Vrain 和 Cleveland)。
虽然几个历史古迹在这一天开放供游客参观,但我和我的朋友很高兴看到建于 1850 年至 1873 年间的新墨西哥州面粉厂。当地志愿者精心保存和修复了精彩的历史片段,他们很高兴与大家分享他们的故事这些工厂的家族历史和个人经历。克利夫兰辊磨机是我们翻越桑格雷德克里斯托山脉返回家途中的最后一站(也是最长的一站)。
郁郁葱葱的绿色山谷与 Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak 火灾(2022 年新墨西哥历史上最大的野火)受损的松树林形成鲜明对比,该地区既令人惊叹又苦乐参半。然而,居民和志愿者绝对是这次旅行中最令人敬畏的部分。我们遇到的人们根深蒂固、充满爱心、坚韧不拔。在美国最贫穷的州之一最贫穷的城镇、最贫穷的县,这些人分享了对他们的历史、文化和土地的热情。
克利夫兰磨粉机是目前 3 个磨粉机中唯一运行的磨粉机,但由于严重淤积的径流(野火的另一个结果)导致磨机比赛失败,因此在我们访问期间它没有运行。虽然亲眼目睹磨坊运转起来真是太棒了,但与那些在这些美丽的巨型建筑的修复和运营中发挥重要作用的人们交谈就足以弥补这一点了。
来到莫拉山谷。在 Teresa's Tamales 品尝正宗的新墨西哥州北部美食,前往莫拉谷牧场和杂货店 (Mora Valley Ranch & Grocery),不要错过克利夫兰滚筒磨坊 (Cleveland Roller Mill)!