点评:We've been through Mora a number of times and have stopped by the Mill. Always closed. Recently we went through and the Mill was open. Yippee! We signed up for the tour ($7, not bad). There was an engaging woman who greeted us. She was most knowledgeable about the Mill. The Tour.
First we saw a well done video discussing the history of the area and the history of milling in the area. It focused on the mills around the area, particularly this mill. After the video we toured the Mill first going outside to view the sluice and the acequia feeding the Mill. Then we toured the Mill itself. The Guide was quite good in explaining the operations of the Mill and all the parts and equipment. We went to the basement the main floor and the second floor. Quite a comprehensive tour. We were the only ones on the tour which made it nice to ask all sorts of dumb questions.
We were so glad that the Mill was open.
翻译:我们去过莫拉好几次,也曾在磨坊停留过。磨坊总是关着门。最近我们去了,磨坊开着。耶!我们报名参加了这次旅行(7 美元,还不错)。一位迷人的女士迎接了我们。她对磨坊了如指掌。这次旅行。