点评:The heartbreaking story of Dan O'Hara's family was a template for thousands of Irish immigrants who came to the US during the famines of the mid-1800s. His modest family life in a simple farm house was devastated; he lost everything, brought his family to New York, watched each member succumb to hunger in an intolerant new world, and died on the streets, trying to sell matches to buy food. It is the stuff of ballads. The farm owner where the restored homestead resides shared the story and building with our group with a steady tenor, edged by a recent tonsillectomy. The sense of space and time are preserved, and the surrounding peat bog is a source of preservation as well. He displayed his knack for slicing the dark, dense vegetation, representing three millennia of nature's compression of grasses, into fireplace fuel. Our group spent just over a week in Ireland this July, touring castles, manor houses, and manicured gardens, but this stop was among the most touching and illuminating visits of the journey. The power of survival, with the celebration of a life always lived, was clearly demonstrated in this beautiful afternoon visit. Thank you for making this unforgettable memory.
翻译:丹·奥哈拉 (Dan O'Hara) 一家令人心碎的故事是成千上万在 19 世纪中期饥荒期间来到美国的爱尔兰移民的模板。他一家在简陋农舍中过着简朴的生活,但后来被彻底摧毁;他失去了一切,带着家人来到纽约,看着每个家庭成员在这个不宽容的新世界里死于饥饿,最后死在街头,试图卖火柴来买食物。这是民谣的素材。修复后的家园所在的农场主用稳定的语调与我们分享了这个故事和建筑,最近还做了扁桃体切除术。空间感和时间感得以保留,周围的泥炭沼泽也是保存的来源。他展示了将深色茂密的植被(代表大自然三千年来对草的压缩)切成壁炉燃料的本领。今年 7 月,我们一行人在爱尔兰度过了一周多的时间,游览了城堡、庄园和修剪整齐的花园,但这次停留是整个旅程中最感人和最有启发性的访问之一。在这个美丽的下午访问中,我们清楚地展示了生存的力量,以及对生命的赞美。感谢您为我们留下了难忘的回忆。