点评:Our family recently visited here. The drive up from Girdwood is a dirt road. Even in the rain it was fairly well maintained. There are quite a few campsites right along the road so you might have to dodge some tents and RVs (some were practically ON the road), especially if you meet an oncoming vehicle. It is $13 for the mine village tour or $25 for a tour and gold panning. I definitely recommend the later. Yes, it’s overpriced but it’s a tourist site (and a historical site). The mine village took us about 5 minutes. Then, after a short panning demonstration by an employee, we were off down the trail to the creek. This is NOT a handicap accessible trail nor would I recommend it for anyone who has mobility issues. It is narrow in places and quite steep. Once you get to the creek you will be walking on rocks to pan for gold. I recommend boots or hiking shoes. Pans are provided as well as buckets and shovels. The mine gives you a ‘starter’ packet of silt to pan and - not surprisingly - the only gold flakes that we found were in those packets. It didn’t diminish our fun however, and we spent over an hour panning next to the rushing creek. Glad we stopped!
翻译:我们一家人最近来过这里。从 Girdwood 开车上来是一条土路。即使在雨中,路也维护得相当好。路边有不少露营地,所以你可能不得不躲避一些帐篷和房车(有些几乎就在路上),特别是当你遇到迎面而来的车辆时。矿村之旅 13 美元,游览和淘金 25 美元。我绝对推荐后者。是的,它的价格过高,但它是一个旅游景点(也是历史遗迹)。我们花了大约 5 分钟的时间到达矿村。然后,在一名员工进行了短暂的淘金演示后,我们沿着小路前往小溪。这不是一条无障碍小路,我也不建议行动不便的人走这条小路。有些地方很窄,而且相当陡峭。一旦你到了小溪,你将走在岩石上淘金。我建议穿靴子或登山鞋。这里提供淘金盘、水桶和铲子。矿场会给你一包“入门”的淤泥供你淘金,不出所料,我们发现的唯一金箔就在这些淤泥里。然而,这并没有减少我们的乐趣,我们在湍急的小溪旁淘金花了一个多小时。很高兴我们停了下来!